
I pray for all mankind.

As a wife, mom of five young adults, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and community member, I desire more than anything to see each of us free. I pray for all mankind that we discover our tremendous capacity to overcome adversity and suffering and obtain permanent peace. I believe we have a natural resilience and ability to heal and restore. I aim to understand how to use this gift.

I have devoted the last two decades to a ministry of healing entirely based on a proven practical and universal system, called Christian Science, or the Science of Christ, – which has been bringing health and restoration to millions of people around the world for over a century. This system is entirely based on the teachings of Christ Jesus as written in the New Testament, and is accessible to anyone regardless of education, background, socio-economic circumstances, or religious beliefs. It is available to everyone and is for everyone!

It is based wholly on the unchanging principle that universal Love is far more than emotions and human affections, it is the greatest power and healing agent we have. Love, with a capital “L”, is the truth that brings about a sense of belonging, wholeness, worth, satisfaction, and ultimate peace and freedom.

I believe there is an indomitable power within each of us that makes us far more capable than we understand; but this strength is rooted in this joint and vibrant, universal Love.

Suffering can be paralyzing, isolating and can feel increasingly difficult to break the hypnotic hold it seems to have on our lives. I spent the first part of my life engulfed in darkness, self-doubt, and sickness, trying to save someone else from their self-destruction.

When I realized, this attempt was drowning me along with them, I found God again and this showed me how to fight my way out of the relationship, and eventually gain freedom. The second chapter of my life has been devoted to advocating for my newfound spiritual rights and being called to fight for the rights of others. I became a sort of advocate for the Truth with a capital “T”.

I love all people and have traveled the globe to gain a deeper understanding of our connectedness. I believe our oneness is our inevitable solution out of all human suffering. Driven by a desire to help anyone in need, I gravitate naturally towards those who may feel lost, broken, abandoned and hope to bring them safety, comfort, and peace. Love moves me in my appeal for the Truth, – the kind of truth that breaks the chains of our sufferings and leads to freedom. The kind of truth that awakens us to clarity and the reality of who we are and why we are here. 

I have devoted this website to sharing my journey, but more importantly to sharing the scientific approach of healing. My hope is that others will discover its efficacy, heal, unite all mankind, and bring permanent peace to our world as promised by Scriptures.